Gum Infection Therapy

If it is determined upon examination that there is the presence of periodontal disease (gum disease), a deeper cleaning will be necessary to ensure optimum oral health. Gum infection therapy, also known as scaling and root planing, is one of the most effective ways to treat gum disease before it becomes severe. Gum infection therapy cleans between the gums and the teeth down to the roots. A local anesthetic may be needed to numb your gums and the roots of your teeth, but in most circumstances, gum infection therapy causes little or no discomfort.

Periodontal Disease

If it is determined upon examination that there is the presence of periodontal disease (gum disease), a deeper cleaning will be necessary to ensure optimum oral health. Gum infection therapy, also known as scaling and root planing, is one of the most effective ways to treat gum disease before it becomes severe. Gum infection therapy cleans between the gums and the teeth down to the roots. A local anesthetic may be needed to numb your gums and the roots of your teeth, but in most circumstances, gum infection therapy causes little or no discomfort.


Gum Disease Can Be Painless, So It Is Important To Be Aware Of Any Of The Following Symptoms:

Gum Disease Can Be Painless, So It Is Important To Be Aware Of Any Of The Following Symptoms:

Swollen, red, tender or bleeding gums

Gums that recede or move away from the tooth

Persistent bad breath or bad taste in mouth

Loose teeth

Visible pus surrounding the teeth and gums

Is a CEREC® Procedure Right For You?

As with any dental procedure, you should first consult with Dr. Kelly B. Wettstein before making a decision to have any procedure performed. Remember, regular dental visits and proper dental hygiene are the best ways to keep your smile at its best. Preventive dental care may include thorough dental cleanings and regular checkups, as well as any preventive measures taken based on your individual dental needs. If you’re not sure whether you require restorative dental work, or, to simply find out more about CEREC® restorations, please Contact Affinity Dental at (480) 882-2300 to schedule your consultation. We’ll work with your schedule and ensure you get the results you expect!