Oral Cancer Screenings

During your dental visit, Dr. Wettstein will talk to you about your health history and examine areas for signs of mouth and/or throat cancer. The screening will consist of a visual inspection of the mouth and palpation of the jaw and neck. Between visits, it’s important to be aware of the following signs and symptoms and to see your dentist if they do not disappear after two weeks.

The Symptoms Of Mouth Or Throat Cancer Can Include:

The Symptoms Of Mouth Or Throat Cancer Can Include:

a sore or irritation that doesn’t go away

red or white patches

pain, tenderness or numbness in mouth or lips

a lump, thickening, rough spot, crust or small eroded area

difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking or moving your tongue or jaw

a change in the way your teeth fit together when you close your mouth


Is a CEREC® Procedure Right For You?

As with any dental procedure, you should first consult with Dr. Kelly B. Wettstein before making a decision to have any procedure performed. Remember, regular dental visits and proper dental hygiene are the best ways to keep your smile at its best. Preventive dental care may include thorough dental cleanings and regular checkups, as well as any preventive measures taken based on your individual dental needs. If you’re not sure whether you require restorative dental work, or, to simply find out more about CEREC® restorations, please Contact Affinity Dental at (480) 882-2300 to schedule your consultation. We’ll work with your schedule and ensure you get the results you expect!