Dental Crowns

A crown is a permanent covering that fits over an original tooth that has either decayed, been damaged, or cracked. Crowns can be made of a variety of different materials such as porcelain, gold, acrylic resin, or a mix of these materials. Affinity Dental Queen Creek uses the highest quality materials to ensure that your crown fits well and lasts for years. We are also proud to offer our patients the advantage of same-day crown restorations using CEREC CAD/CAM technology.

Why Should You Have a CEREC Crown?

Same - Day Crowns

Advances in technology aren’t limited to cell phones, tablets, and watches. Many advances save us time and improve our lives, like CEREC Same-Day Crowns. CEREC has been a leader in dental technology for forty years. Developed in 1985, CEREC is a state-of-the-art CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) computer system used to design and manufacture teeth for your new smile.

CEREC uses an intra-oral camera to generate a full-color 3D model of your mouth, allowing our Queen Creek dentists to design any single tooth restoration: crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers. Our dentists can create a more precise and beautiful restoration in less time and you receive a metal-free, porcelain restoration in one visit. Having your procedure done using same-day crown technology means there’s no need for impression trays to gag on or temporaries. It also means no multiple visits for fittings or final placement!

Why Should You Have a CEREC Crown?

Why Should You Have a Same-Day Crown?


Is a CEREC® Procedure Right For You?

As with any dental procedure, you should first consult with Dr. Kelly B. Wettstein before making a decision to have any procedure performed. Remember, regular dental visits and proper dental hygiene are the best ways to keep your smile at its best. Preventive dental care may include thorough dental cleanings and regular checkups, as well as any preventive measures taken based on your individual dental needs. If you’re not sure whether you require restorative dental work, or, to simply find out more about CEREC® restorations, please Contact Affinity Dental at (480) 882-2300 to schedule your consultation. We’ll work with your schedule and ensure you get the results you expect!